Dear mentor's.

I'm building a debian package for:

Debian Bug report logs - #859130
ITP: lina -- iso-compliant Forth interpreter and compiler

This is an extremely simple package. It really is at the far end of simplicity,
One executable and one source library. No dependancies.

I'm down to the last lintian error:

E: lina: statically-linked-binary usr/bin/lina
N:    The package installs a statically linked binary or object file.
N: Usually this is a bug. Otherwise, please add an override if your package N: is an exception. Binaries named *-static and *.static are automatically
N:    excluded, as are any binaries in packages named *-static.
N:    Severity: important, Certainty: possible
N:    Check: binaries, Type: binary, udeb

This message is slightly misleading. In fact the binary is not linked at all,
nor does it need any linking.

This is the build command for lina

fasm lina.fas -m256000

It seems appropriate to add an override but I've no clue how to do that.
Searches for "override" and "static" in the policy manual give no clues.
I don't know whether this requires special dispensation from a person with
the power to do that.

So please help!

With this out of the way I can start looking for a sponsor.

Groetjes Albert

Suffering is the prerogative of the strong, the weak -- perish.
Albert van der Horst


There are more requirements in the policy that fail on such simple programs: Supposedly programs must be made simpler by using strip, however an attempt
to make lina simpler make its brains fall out:

~/PROJECT/ciforth$ strip lina
~/PROJECT/ciforth$ lina
Segmentation fault

(I don't think strip should behave like this on a valid elf-executable.).

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