On 2017-04-18 14:55, Roger Shimizu wrote:
I cannot sponsor your package. But still wish you find my review
Hope you can fix these and put your work in some SCM. Thank you!
- d/copyright:
MIT license has some variants, so it's better to specify as Expat
- d/*-docs:
Better to add README.md here
- d/usbwalld.default
should cleanup non-effective comments
- d/usbwalld.service
for document, you should use man page, not a URL.
you can also take my package shadowsocks-libev as reference.
- d/libpam-usbwall.install
please replace x86_64-linux-gnu with *, or you will have FTBFS from
all arch except amd64
- d/patches:
please upstream your 2 patches
- you have init script, so I guess you need to add Depends: lsb-base
(>= 3.0-6)
- d/rules:
need cleanup.
Some above are not required, but quite simple to fix.
Thanks for your work!
Thanks for this return. I will update the package to new release v0.5
today and take your remarks into account.
Philippe THIERRY