On 2017-04-11 15:28, Adam Borowski wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 09:33:59AM +0200, Paride Legovini wrote:
>> [Note for whoever lands here: the package has been rejected from NEW
>> because of unattributed files in lua/lexers].
>> Hello Adam,
>> I didn't realize that some files in lua/lexers were not fully attributed
>> in debian/copyright. Regarding those files: there is one main author
>> (that is attributed), then many single-file contributions from about 40
>> different authors.
> Very few projects bother tracking attributions of specific files.
>> Should I list all these authors in debian/copyright, or can I do like
>> it's done for the Linux kernel:
>> Files: *
>> Copyright: 1991-2012 Linus Torvalds and many others
>> License: GPL-2
>> hence writing:
>> Files: lua/lexers/*
>> Copyright: 2007-2016 Mitchell <mitch...@foicica.com> and many others
>> License: MIT
> I like this approach, it saves us a lot of work.  It'd be nice to hear from
> a ftpmaster, though, to reduce the number of trips to NEW.

I asked on IRC, didn't get a definitive answer, but my feeling is that
there is a preference for giving attribution when possible. I wrote a
simple shell script that generates the copyright entries for the lexers,
the output is like this


Some entries could be joined, but doing it automatically becomes
nontrivial, as there are some files with more than one author. I lean
towards leaving it like this. If you think it's OK I'll upload a revised
package to mentors.


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