Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "synergy"

  Package name    : synergy
  Version         : 1.4.16-2
  Upstream Author : Symless
  URL             :
  License         : GPL-2
  Section         : x11

It builds those binary packages:

  synergy    - Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x

More information about synergy can be obtained from

I understand this upload occurs during the stretch freeze and I
believe my changes are
acceptable according to the freeze policy. I think I understand the
unblocking process
once this package is uploaded and builds correctly. My debdiff for the
unblock bug is
attached and I would appreciate feedback in case I have created it incorrectly.

Changes since the last upload:

  * Added ensure_non00_cursor.patch to fix a crash when synergyc starts.
    Closes: #854567
  * Updated debian/control fields: Maintainer, Homepage, Vcs-* with new
    maintainer and upstream information
  * Changed description to indicate new upstream locations for binary and
    source releases (old URL returned page not found)

   Joshua Honeycutt

Attachment: synergy.debdiff
Description: Binary data

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