Hello all,
My name is Damien André, I am french and I am looking for
menthoring/sponsoring for
the openmeca software (see https://gitlab.com/damien.andre/openmeca).
Openmeca is a graphical application for building multibody dynamics
It may be usefull for learning and teaching mechanics, kinematics and
Some screencast are available on Youtube (sorry for gg inside)
at the url :
I develop this soft since 8 years and I think that the program has a
sufficient level
of quality for being included in the Debian distrib.
** Technical informations about openmeca **
- URL : https://gitlab.com/damien.andre/openmeca
- License : GPL v3
- Programming Lang: C++
- Main Dependences: Qt5
** What I have already done for packaging openmeca **
- open an ITP (see
Andreas Tille (from debian-science) tell me that the soft fit well
with the debian-science field.
- open a git repository for openmeca on alioth :
post a first version of the openmeca package on this git repository.
This package seems to be right on my personal computer (Ubuntu
16.04.1 LTS and checked with "gbp buildpackage")
- post an intent on the debian science list (see
but I have no answer.
As I have no answer from the debian-science list (probably they have no
time), I post my request on this list.
I am not used with the Debian policy so... please tell me if I am
wrong, impatient, or something else....
Please feel free to contact me for any further information.
Damien André