Hello all,
My name is Damien André, I am french and I am looking for menthoring/sponsoring for
the openmeca software (see https://gitlab.com/damien.andre/openmeca).

Openmeca is a graphical application for building multibody dynamics simulations. It may be usefull for learning and teaching mechanics, kinematics and dynamics.

Some screencast are available on Youtube (sorry for gg inside)
at the url : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9Wy5MHmnJQ&list=PLjFD44HqZ1diZN45FSLO82NyuIgpu4Lml

I develop this soft since 8 years and I think that the program has a sufficient level
of quality for being included in the Debian distrib.

** Technical informations about openmeca **

 - URL             : https://gitlab.com/damien.andre/openmeca
 - License         : GPL v3
 - Programming Lang: C++
 - Main Dependences: Qt5

** What I have already done for packaging openmeca **

- open an ITP (see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=850590). Andreas Tille (from debian-science) tell me that the soft fit well with the debian-science field.

- open a git repository for openmeca on alioth : https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-science/packages/openmeca.git/
   post a first version of the openmeca package on this git repository.
This package seems to be right on my personal computer (Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS and checked with "gbp buildpackage")

- post an intent on the debian science list (see https://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2017/01/msg00093.html)
   but I have no answer.

As I have no answer from the debian-science list (probably they have no time), I post my request on this list. I am not used with the Debian policy so... please tell me if I am wrong, impatient, or something else....

Please feel free to contact me for any further information.

Damien André

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