Control: tag -1 -moreinfo

Hi Sean,

Sorry about that. At your prompting I've installed sbuild and now the package builds successfully in a chroot for unstable using sbuild -A.

I've uploaded a new version to git and mentors, with the diff below since the version you last saw. As you can see I also amended the changelog to add some previously missing details.


$ git diff 281489c

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index c9a8606..b54d9a2 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -2,27 +2,32 @@ python-pynzb (0.1.0-3) unstable; urgency=medium

   * Add myself to uploaders.
   * Switch to pybuild and dh-python.
-  * Bump d/compat to 10.
+  * Bump d/compat to 10 and update version of B-D on debhelper.
   * Bump standards-version to 3.9.8 (no changes).
-  * d/copyright: add myself and fix license short names
-    - "public domain" -> public-domain
+  * d/copyright: add myself and fix license short names:
+    - "public domain" -> public-domain,
     - BSD -> BSD-3-clause.
   * Change Vcs to DPMT git repository and use https.
-  * Change Homepage to GitHub.
-  * Build the Python 3 module and drop the Python 2 module (no rdeps).
-  * Run the test suite with pytest.
-  * Call 2to3 during auto build.
-  * 0001-set-message_id-properly-in-expat-parser.patch: fix an upstream code.
-    This change allows the tests to pass for Python 2.
+  * Change Homepage to Github.
+  * Build the Python 3 module.
+    - replace B-D: python{,3}-setuptools and python{,3}-all
+  * Drop the Python 2 module (no rdeps):
+  * Run the test suite with pytest:
+    - cleanup the produced .cache/ in d/clean,
+    - add B-D on python3-pytest.
+  * Call 2to3-3.Y during auto build for Python 3.X.
+  * 0001-set-message_id-properly-in-expat-parser.patch: fix an upstream code
+    typo. This change allows the tests to pass for Python 2.
   * Move lxml to Suggests rather than Depends since there are fallbacks using
     standard library XML parsers.
   * Build-Depend on lxml in order to run the test for the implementation of the
     NZB parser using lxml (LXMLNZBParser).
   * For Python 3, add a command to PYBUILD_AFTTER_BUILD_python3 in d/rules to
     change the code to decode strings -> bytes as utf-8 for lxml's benefit.
-  * Fix watch file.
+  * Fix watch file and declare version 4 format.
+  * Cleanup .egg-info files in d/clean and d/source/options.

- -- Carl Suster <>  Tue, 10 Jan 2017 15:49:05 +1100
+ -- Carl Suster <>  Wed, 11 Jan 2017 15:53:36 +1100

 python-pynzb (0.1.0-2) unstable; urgency=low

diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index e7aefc0..1300e4a 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=pynzb/
 # utf-8 for the Python 3 build. If this turns out to be problematic, we can
 # instead disable lxml support for the Python 3 build in pynzb/ and
 # rely on the standard library fallbacks for XML parsing.
-export PYBUILD_AFTER_BUILD_python3=2to3 -n -w {build_dir}/pynzb/; sed -i -e 's/StringIO/BytesIO/g' -e 's/BytesIO(xml)/BytesIO(bytes(xml,"utf-8"))/' {build_dir}/pynzb/ +export PYBUILD_AFTER_BUILD_python3=2to3-{version} -n -w {build_dir}/pynzb/; sed -i -e 's/StringIO/BytesIO/g' -e 's/BytesIO(xml)/BytesIO(bytes(xml,"utf-8"))/' {build_dir}/pynzb/


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