Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

 I am looking for a sponsor for my package "rdma-core"

* Package name    : rdma-core
  Version         : 12-1.1
  Upstream Author : Doug Ledford <>, Leon Romanovsky 
* URL             :
* License         : GPLv2+ and BSD
  Section         : net

 It builds those binary packages:

   ibacm - InfiniBand Communication Manager Assistant (ACM)
ibverbs-providers - User space provider drivers for libibverbs
ibverbs-utils - Examples for the libibverbs library
iwpmd - Userspace component for iWarp RDMA services
libibcm-dev - Development files for the libibcm library
libibcm1   - InfiniBand Communication Manager (CM) library
libibcm1-dbg - InfiniBand Communication Manager (CM) library
libibumad-dev - Development files for libibumad
libibumad3 - InfiniBand Userspace Management Datagram (uMAD) library
libibumad3-dbg - InfiniBand Userspace Management Datagram (uMAD) library
libibverbs-dev - Development files for the libibverbs library
libibverbs1 - Library for direct userspace use of RDMA (InfiniBand/iWARP)
libibverbs1-dbg - Debugging symbols for the libibverbs library
librdmacm-dev - Development files for the libr:dmacm library
librdmacm1 - Library for managing RDMA connections
librdmacm1-dbg - Debugging symbols for the librdmacm library
rdma-core  - RDMA core userspace infrastructure and documentation.
rdmacm-utils - Examples for the librdmacm library
srptools   - Tools for Infiniband attached storage (SRP)

 To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

 Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

   dget -x

  Talat Batheesh

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