control: tags -1 moreinfo Hallo Stephen,
(not taking ownership of the bug as I cannot guarantee to find time for follow ups. Other DDs are welcome to take this bug) Many thanks for your intention to adopt your pacakge. I see that you're also upstream of it; this means that I can also request to fix some upstream parts, like the build system ;-) here is a review: - d/changelog is incomplete. You've changed quite a bit in the debian packaging, more than "new upstream reelase" ;-) Please make sure that you really document everything you changed, (and as this is often done wrong, the changelog should ensure that it explains the "why (have it been changed)" adequately. - d/patches - they could have use of a dep3 header - as you're upstream, do you plan to roll out a new release with them? (question out of curiosity, not required for sponsoring) autoconf patch: - you should not patch config.guess. They need to be updated on build-time! (autotools-dev is your friend, and debhelper with compat level 10 will be even better.) dependency-created-noise patch: - I'm not sure about this patch. What is its purpose? The header reads as it is for canceling changes due to the build process? Looks like it is regenerated at build time? If so, it should not be patched but mereley deleted in the clean target. (Otherwise the build system should be fixed that this is not needed; automake is capable to create dependencie) - d/copyright should be transferred to dep5 format. - Please disable silent rules (the buildlog should emit all compiler flags) - d/rules should be converted to short debhelper format. - the buildsystem should be really fixed to properly clean up. - otherwise, errors from rm should not be ignored, also not errors from make realclen. Just don't execute it when there is no Makefile. (Stopping here for time reasons; especially I did not do a d/copyright audit, not checked the upstream code) Please fix above, remove the moreinfo tag, and -- time permitting -- I will iterate. -- tobi