I am not missing, but not in action either. I will take the long needed
steps in the upcoming days.


El mar., 27 dic. 2016 11:34, Tobias Frost <t...@debian.org> escribió:

> Hi Félix,
> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 11:18:36PM +0100, Félix Sipma wrote:
> > I think I won't have time to work on this soon, so my changes won't be
> for
> > stretch anyway. I propose to try to fix the issues you mentioned in your
> > previous email, and to start the MIA process. At what step of
> > https://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/MIATeam should I start? Is it
> possible to
> > start at "Suggest orphaning" with a mail to Jose and the MIA team in Cc:?
> You've reached a MIA team member already, so there is no action required
> from
> your side, I'll take over from here.
> (And, no, sorry, we cannot cut corners on the process; the process as is
> has been
> established for reasons)
> > I hope you Jose will be able to answer in the meantime, that will of
> course be
> > the easiest!
> Indeed, Jose, let me again appeal to you for an quick answer.. This will
> save
> several people lots of work.
> Another option which has been proposed in similar cases by the MIA team in
> the past*,
> if you're like to (co-)maintain rdup:
> - Announce on the BTS that you'll like to be Co-Maintainer of the package

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