Your message dated Sun, 18 Dec 2016 21:21:12 +0100
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: RFS: Juliar/0.0-12 [put in ITP, ITA, RC, NMU if 
applicable] -- New Programming Language
has caused the Debian Bug report #846259,
regarding RFS: Juliar/0.0-12 [put in ITP, ITA, RC, NMU if applicable] -- New 
Programming Language
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

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Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Package: sponsorship-requests
  Severity: normal [important for RC bugs, wishlist for new packages]

  Dear mentors,

  I am looking for a sponsor for my package "Juliar":

 * Package name    : Juliar
   Version         : 0.0-12
   Upstream Author : Andrey Makhanov <>
 * URL             :
 * License         : GNU v3
   Section         : 1

  It builds those binary packages:

    Juliar - a new Universal programming language that is cross-platform.

It is a functional OOP programming language with an object structure
similar to linux with ability to move between object of objects via
".." i.e.


  It can be used for web-development, as a desktop application, and as
console application. It can run in browser (client-side) as well.

The application has a good Network library and has a concept of
"universal" modules which allows one to create a module for example in
Python, Ruby, Fortran, or C and then import it into Juliar.

The Programming Language is fairly new and is currently up to Alpha 12.

Although the application has been packaged before into a private apt
repo. It would be great to make it available to the public.

I really hope that someone will sponsor the package as the application
has been in development for 1.5 years and has a growing community.

  To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:

  Alternatively, one can download the package using instructions found at

  More information about hello can be obtained from

  Changes since the last upload:


 Andrey Juliar Team

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I've neither found the ITP nor I found a package to review. 
Additionally there were concerns about the suitabiltity of Julien for
Debian at this stage.

Please read,
wpackage and

(and also

Until then I will close this bug as there is nothing actionable.


--- End Message ---

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