Hello Boyuan First of all, many thanks for taking care of shutter. That said, the patch you propose to fix utf8 issue has a problem.
> + my $win_name = $win->get_name; > + Encode::_utf8_on( $win_name ); > + my $window_item = Gtk2::ImageMenuItem->new_with_label( > $win_name ); The _utf8_on just switches a Perl internal flag to mark $win_name as utf8. This may work in your case, but I fear that a real latin-1 locale will break it, i.e. a latin1 string would be flagged as utf8. The string returned by $win->get_name should have the utf8 flag properly set when needed. I suspect there's a bug in gtk2 bindings. I suggest to contact perl gtk mailing list [1] for advice (please keep me posted) HTH [1] gtk-perl-list at gnome.org -- https://github.com/dod38fr/ -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/ http://ddumont.wordpress.com/ -o- irc: dod at irc.debian.org