Hello, this might sound like a trick question: What is the reliable method to tell whether a certain Debian package is native, or has been taken from an upstream?
Until today I thought the version number was a sane indicator: If it contains a hyphen, it's a package with upstream. Otherwise it's native. My understanding of policy 5.6.12 supports this. Then I stumbled across a package that has in its .dsc file: | Format: 1.0 | Source: package-name | (...) | Version: 4.3.2-1 | (...) | Files: | 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef 12345 package-name_4.3.2-1.tar.gz While the version number contains a hyphen it's certainly native. Additionally, the upload was quite recently (in fall 2016) so it's not a legacy from the old rough times. So, in order to decide native/with upstream, do I really have to take a look into the .dsc file? Or is the above something that should not happen? Christoph
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