control: tag -1 -moreinfo

[2016-12-08 11:23] Sean Whitton <>
> Here's a review for you.  I also made two commits to your repository --
> please see the commit messages for an explanation.  Hopefully you will
> agree with the changes ;)
I did not checked, that (package-initialize) is really needed, but I
assume you are right.

But probably it should be installed by dh-elpa?  For example, upstream
name 'clues-theme', which is written in d/copyright is rather reliable
signal, that package is theme.

Since right now I am EBUSY to write patch for dh-elpa, I agree with your

> Must-fixes
> ==========

> 1. Your most recent changes are newer than the timestamp in the
> changelog, so you need to re-run `dch -r`.


> 2. Your copyright for debian/ says 2014...


> Suggestions
> ===========
> 1. It would be good to file a bug upstream asking for a tagged stable
> release.

I wrote email to upstream. Since no changes are made since 2014, I have
doubts that I will receive reply

> 2. How about installing clues-theme.png, and patching to refer
> to it?

Not done. Why would you need screen-shot, if you have theme already installed?

> 3. You could extract and install the upstream changelog from clues-theme.el


> 4. In the description,
> s/on the other hand/, on the other hand,/
> s/Roots'/Roots',/
> s/despite it's/despite its/


> 5. Since there are not actually any tests, you could remove Testsuite:
> from d/control.


> 6. Please use https:// not git:// in d/watch.

Fixed. See more.

It was created by dh-make-elpa. Unfortunately, I forgot --pkg-emacsen flag.
Two questions:

 - why dh-make-elpa generates different d/watch for --pkg-emacsen debianization?
 - why --pkg-emacsen is not default?

I apologize for making suggestions instead of patches.

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