Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256
Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for the new version of my package "xloadimage" * Package name : xloadimage Version : 4.1-24 Section : graphics It builds those binary packages: xloadimage - Graphics file viewer under X11 To access further information about this package, please visit the following URL: Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command: dget -x Changes since the last upload: xloadimage (4.1-24) unstable; urgency=medium * Add patch to make build reproducible. (Closes: #831743) + Thanks to Chris Lamb! * Bump Standards-Version and compat level. * Fix watch file. + unpublished the R5contrib repo. Using GWDG mirror now. * Make package lintian clean. + Fix order of copyright file. + Fix minor spelling issue with a patch. + Use pathfind() from devref 6.4 in maintainer scripts. * Rename files in debian/ for consequent naming scheme. * Add VCS fields. -- Dominik George <> Mon, 03 Oct 2016 16:10:21 +0200 Regards, Dominik George -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJhBAEBCABLBQJX8m+SMRpodHRwczovL3d3dy5kb21pbmlrLWdlb3JnZS5kZS9n cGctcG9saWN5LnR4dC5hc2MSHG5pa0BuYXR1cmFsbmV0LmRlAAoJELeaPBagxPKW 6PgQAK74S8pp7mEoKuZnllGlop5lPzLzEcIZQueKzos6lMnGKLz5SMiVTZTMtFxk bIeUVy+vtKoUIMZ5BbD2s/+h3CRQN6kOFHikJIWTCu4oC9o/+x4GB+bKKqOh4Tkc HeUAdlgYpBu3fi7Gg2g17rZqJRZDhGsqHWNUrCQWhcEhoBnKspLYqZm6O+jky7tQ H8EEUiugW8RMOJZZIJRa2TqMxnHSy4+bBfd8cZq+PFcdG3+vaUzEvm5e/5AaWG8Q JQu6aK7DAMg7PLn3R2yVVPkpqhn5pGi2k1N/aC5Dd8Zn+whW9GaJGJqr4hFIC9vE NP1gabmUTMsNa3pGvblsI7BfXju3RBKYCkfkhF0pInsnZWPGvOx5fAF3MH8Rsijb IhN2hso5LAOevGOndRQ5oJfjVNxBAvbkbRd4dPbTRRpeDFE9z+5BeiMN9KCcbjo3 uaUDrypf4FG5Q5bqa0kwgZ2YLWYCY7DDCeVWa0YFoBBJSbXDrK6VeANR6FCxIyEd A5h7GhQKCLw6n1HxoVV/D6SVSLT0qDx3FbUSscaqvSutmHY0KmPe6sjm4n1j0+bB lSopW7hYpr8sCJLn7i0IWmsmciBRGkn8FwJHUuREla1efqqTtUWmiPF+DaKpShwE 03p8hHNiTXurfU5ZLWlW0FMWW2JG9V7GfzY0oHn4GfDm7449 =m08/ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----