Hi >Thanks for reviwing! I must say I've addressed most of your points but
>testing the new version (25), I've found that it doesn't work as >expected in Scid. Scid has a feature to play versus Phalanx (tactical >game) but it needs a special version. The package in sid works well >while new version only works if you choose the option to play >a specific opening. mmm ok >Apart from that, the engine works well both in scid >(analyzing) and xboard (analyzing and playing with). I've tried to >figure out the changes done to phalanx-scid engine but I don't come by >with a solution. > >So don't know if it's better to fix and improve the version in >sid (22+d051004) while asking Scid upstream to import the new version >of Phalanx and knowing what changes need to be tweaked. > >What do you think? you want to adopt the package, so I guess you need to be the one knowing if the package is worth an upload or not. you might even consider fixing the actual RC bug without a new upstream release, let the package migrate, and upload the new version (crippled) in experimental or later in unstable. Just use your judgment, is upstream active/fast in answering? it this a problem that will cause headaches to your end users and lots of bug reports? or is something that probably nobody would notice, or not a real usability issue? let me know, Gianfranco