Hi Ben,

On 17 May 2016 at 21:06, Ben Finney <ben+deb...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> How many process calls are there? The ideal solution IMO is to:

Not much of them. In my case, there's just one. I was thinking about a
corner case, where there would be multiple process calls, possible
making a patch like this somewhat hard to maintain.

> * Make the location of application-private binaries configurable at
>   build time, with a simple one-point-of-truth (e.g. a Makefile
>   variable).
> * Patch every call to those application-private binaries to use the
>   configured location.
> * Submit that patch upstream, explaining why it's superior behaviour.
> * Maintain the patch in Debian for the (short?) time while upstream
>   incorporates the patch.

Thanks for your input. I like your suggestions, as they look pretty
straightforward, but this is how this is being done for other
packages? I was looking at ยง 9.1.1 File System Structure[1] from the
Debian Policy Manual and it states that the need to put object files,
internal binaries and libraries under "/lib{,32}" and "/usr/lib{,32}"
is a requirement - however, it doesn't says how this should be done.

So, even appreciating your suggestions, I would like to hear from some
maintainers that are used to do this on their packages. This way we
can possible mix both some battle-tested approaches and your nice tips
as well.


[1]: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html#s-fhs

Tiago "Myhro" Ilieve
Blog: https://blog.myhro.info/
GitHub: https://github.com/myhro
LinkedIn: https://br.linkedin.com/in/myhro
Montes Claros - MG, Brasil

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