On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 04:05:33PM -0700, Eric Winger wrote:
> * Is this a reasonable way to maintain our internal packages - ie a 
> seperate archive? Or is there a better way.
It seems a reasonable way to have some packages that are specific for
your situation.

> * If this is the most reasonable way, where is the information on 
> building/maintaining your own archive.
Not really, might get around to doing it one day.
I had an old apt repository and attached its Makefile to this email.
Not sure if it still works and you will need to change the arch unless
you are using alphas too.

  - Craig

Craig Small      GnuPG:1C1B D893 1418 2AF4 45EE  95CB C76C E5AC 12CA DFA5
Eye-Net Consulting http://www.enc.com.au/   MIEE         Debian developer
csmall at : enc.com.au                      ieee.org           debian.org 
PACKAGES=$(shell ls binary-alpha/*.deb)

all: binary-alpha/Packages.gz

binary-alpha/Packages: $(PACKAGES)
        apt-ftparchive packages dists/ipv6/unstable/binary-alpha/ > \

binary-alpha/Packages.gz: binary-alpha/Packages
        (cd binary-alpha && gzip -c Packages > Packages.gz)

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