
On 4 April 2016 at 21:37, Mattia Rizzolo <> wrote:
> yep, saw the mail that day, but didn't pay much attention back then.

There's no problem.

> This is basically a security feature, I think, not a bug.
> Though you should be able to fix it more manually by directly editing
> the HEAD file.
> but this time I just run the command for you :)
> This turned the HEAD file to be group Debian again and I can't have it
> back to scm_collab-maint as I'm not in the collab-maint anymore.
> Yeah, permissions on collab-maint (and alioth in general) are just a
> mess....
> If you have troubles with file permissions on collab-maint feel free to
> mail me if you don't have any nearby DD..

Turns out that the "Debian" group is for DDs... Makes sense. Thanks
for fixing this. I'll surely reach you in case I need something like
that again.

> DSA has nothing to do with alioth (sadly?), there is only one active
> person with root on moszumanska (which is the guy that replied to you
> last time, iirc), but he won't chgrp the directory (as afaik he made
> them gid:Debian exactly because he wants to avoid external messing with
> repositories (if the root directory was writable by you you would be
> able to do anything with the config and the hooks, and that's a security
> trouble on collab-maint where everybody has access).

I see. The problem is that the repository is writable by the owner,
who can edit any configs/hooks. I had a problem in this case because I
was not the one who created it.

It is indeed quite hard to take care of a place where so many people
can write to.

> Yep, even if I'm always wary of this.
> I'm a guy who prefers using the tarballs as provided upstream.
> I wrote this item before noticing that you used .xz, so a different
> tarball than upstream.
> Fine by me, I see how this is enough for this case.

Now I understood. You mean a byte-to-byte identical tarball, not
identical regarding its contents only. I see this as enough by now
too. If the upstream starts releasing signed tarballs we can changed

> ok, yes I know it's more popular.  To me it seems "Expat" is known only
> within Debian, heh :)

Actually, now that you mentioned I guess I had never ever heard of the
"Expat License" outside Debian...

> going to set myself as owner, will look at it somewhen tomorrow though.

Well, looks like you already take a look a few minutes ago. :-)

> Well, I uploaded it :D
> I also tagged the repository.

It is on the NEW queue right now. The tag detail is also pretty nice.
Fetched it.

Thank you very much, Mattia!


Tiago "Myhro" Ilieve
Montes Claros - MG, Brasil

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