On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 06:24:41PM +0200, Luk Claes wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a sponsor for the package translate-docformat which is
> orphaned.
> Description: any-to-any document translation system
> This is a command-line front end to many document format translation
> programs to facilitate the translation of documents from
> one format to another.
> Currently it supports major formats like the docbook, linuxdoc, debiandoc,
> and TeX, translating to HTML and ps and text.
> If you are interested you can take a look at:
> http://studwww.ugent.be/~lukclaes/debian/
> Kind regards,
> Luk Claes
> PS: I have changed the bug title to ITA.
> PS2: lintian has no complaints.

Hi, I've had a look at this.  It's generally okay and I will be happy to
sponsor it for you.

There are just two points I'd like to clear up first:

    1: Why is it a Debian native package?  I know that it already *was* a
       Debian native package before it was orphaned, but should it still be?
       I personally don't see any reason not to split it to diff.gz and
       orig.tar.gz (except *possibly* that it's such a small package anyway,
       but that's not a good enough reason to keep it Debian native IMO). If
       you can come up with a decent rationale for this, then it really
       doesn't matter, but I'd like to hear the rationale.  I know it has
       fairly debian specific uses (debiandoc-sgml) but should it really be
       a Debian-only package?
N: Processing source package translate-docformat (version 0.5) ...
W: translate-docformat source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.5.6
N:   The source package refers to a 'Standards-Version' that is starting to
N:   get out of date, compared to current Policy. You can safely ignore
N:   this warning, but please consider updating the package to current
N:   Policy.

We're up to version 3.5.10 of policy now as I recall.  You should think
about going through and making sure the whole package adheres to latest
policy and bump the standards version.
This isn't a bar to me uploading it, but it's something you should be aware

Basically provide me either a decent rationale for having it in Debian
native format, or redo it with orig.tar.gz and diff.gz and I'll sponsor it
for you.



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