Hi, I packaged the gSOAP stub and skeleton compiler for C/C++ for Debian. It's not a complex package, with one binary, one include file and four static libs (and a bunch of sample files), so it shouldn't cause headache to anyone :-)
You can write SOAP web services in C or C++ with it. I will be using it for a big project in summer so I decided to package it for deployment on the development machines (they are all running on Debian). I'd be glad if someone would be interested in uploading the package. It's a new package, there are no entries in the wnpp package for it. The program itself is quite mature, e.g. Adobe will be using it in its products in the future. gSOAP's homepage is http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soap.html , my repository is at http://www.wana.at/debian where you can find the package. regards, Tom -- 1024D/8FC03128: 01FA 29EF 7F56 66A8 6596 C501 4322 5D69 8FC0 3128 postfix/src/util/msg.c: msg_panic() 202: abort(); /* Die! */ 203: exit(1); /* DIE!! */
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