To whom it may concern:

        My name is Greg Leffler, and I'm a student at the University of 
Louisville here in Kentucky (in the US). I've been using Debian on my 
desktop for a few weeks and I've been administering a lab of Debian 
servers and a Debian mirror ( for about 5 
months. The main concern I have with the OS is that there is an awful lot of 
documentation missing or that could be made better, just from my run-ins 
with stuff. Debian is really good, but I think there a few more things 
that could be done to make it great - and I want to contribute. I don't 
really have the technical skills to do much coding, but I've made some 
test packages before (test as in "They work on my system, but probably 
not anywhere else") and would love to do that more as my experience 
grew, but want I want to begin with is by helping update or create 
documentation - the problem is that I don't know where to start. I'd 
like to ask for your guidance on where I can get started and how I can 
help the project. 

Thanks in advance,

Greg Leffler
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