
Filippo Giunchedi wrote:
> >    How can this be?  Could the reporter have been using a non-debian
> >    package?  Current upstream is 2.717.
> sure, for example by using unofficial repository or by building the
> package using debian/ directory sometimes bundled with upstream
> source (eg. mplayer)

Should the reporter be filing bugs against "debian" packages when they
were not distributed by debian?  That would make QA pretty difficult

> >    I would also like to know which version of CGI.pm is installed on
> >    their machine.
> this question suggests me that faqomatic (reporter version, not in debian)
> doesn't depend on libcgi-pm-perl

The faqomatic package IN debian does not specify libcgi-pm-perl as a
dependency though it definately uses the CGI.pm module.  I will check
the policy manual tomrrow when my head is clearer, (long, long day)
Perhaps the dependencies should be adjusted, it woudl seem so...

Thanks for your help, I would love to hear thoughts on my first, (new)


Jereme Corrado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator
Restorative Management Corp.

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