
I've adopted gnotepad+, and its documentation gnotepad+-help. As I'm
not (yet) a Debian Developer, I'm looking for a sponsor. (This is my
second package. I thought I would spread the sponsoring load, so as
not to concentrate it on one person. My first sponsor will be my
advocate. Thank you.) gnotepad+ is a simple notepad-like text editor
for Gnome.
The packages are available from an apt-get-able archive:

deb http://mdcc.cx/debian local main
deb-src http://mdcc.cx/debian local main

If you want a quick look at my skills, in order to roughly evaluate
how much work the sponsoring will be, you can have a quick look at the
bugs I filed:
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?[EMAIL PROTECTED]

and the patches I wrote for some of them.

Thank you for your help,


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