On Thu, Dec 26, 2002 at 09:55:37AM -0800, Ian Zimmerman wrote:

> Steve> Oh, I understand how it would happen that a file in /usr is
> Steve> actively in use in this scenario; I'm just questioning why it
> Steve> shouldn't be considered a bug in whatever program is still
> Steve> running and referencing NSS at the time 'umount /usr' is
> Steve> called.  There are quite a lot of NSS and PAM modules which
> Steve> depend on files in /usr, and which might be optionally
> Steve> referenced by applications in /bin or /sbin.  It would take
> Steve> some time to move all libraries that anyone has written an NSS
> Steve> module for -- even longer wrt PAM -- and it's not clear to me
> Steve> that this is an appropriate solution.

> Do you have anything running and using RPC?  A user-space NFS daemon,
> maybe?

How is that relevant?  I hardly think 'umount /usr' should be called
while /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd is running.  And why does RPC care about
username resolution?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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