>>"Ian" == Ian Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 Manoj> And you can set up your module postinst to install the module
 Manoj> in any directory you want -- /lib/modules/2.4/foo, for example,
 Manoj> and copy files at will.

 Ian> But what is the point of having them in a package, then?

        Heh. I have 2.4.17 installed, and I install module_foo. Where
 do the module files go?

        I now install 2.4.18. Now, either the module search path is
 changed, or boom! no more module foo with new kernel.

        That is why the packaged module foo should copy files to 2.4.18

 Ian> Okay, I didn't know about the first part, thanks for pointing it out.
 Ian> But it would only be of any import if the rigid dependencies were
 Ian> relaxed. 

        The rigid dependencies are created by people who package
 modules. They are there since it is a hassle to implement the hooked
 file copy stuff that is needed in order for packaged modules to work

        There really are reasons for the rigid dependendcies. We are
 not quite all morons here, you know. Even if we can't spell.

 I'm a lucky guy, and I'm happy to be with the Yankees.  And I want to
 thank everyone for making this night necessary. Yogi Berra at a
 dinner in his honor
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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