Hi !

I do not really understand why you are so angry. I was not  particularly
anxious, neither agressive,  I  was  not  criticizing  your  work,  just
explaining  why  some  things  were  confusing  to  me,  and  trying  to
understand why it was like it was.

"There has been some confusion about what  the  statistics  are  telling
people, especially some anxious New Maintainers out there." [1]

That's fun. You seems to  be  particularly  anxious  yourselve...

If you think debian {lists,website} must be a  battle  ground,  I  can't
understand that...

Anyway, Thanks for having take my remarks in consideration, I hope I  am
not making enemmies in the debian community by trying to help.


[1] http://nm.debian.org/stats.php

                Helios de Creisquer      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 http://www.tuxfamily.org/                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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