hi, to create the build dependencies, I just followed the instructions in the new maintainer's guide: strace -f -o /tmp/log ./configure # or make instead of ./configure, if the package don't use autoconf for x in `dpkg -S $(grep open /tmp/log|perl -pe 's!.* open\(\"([^\"]*).*!$1!' |grep "^/"| sort | uniq| grep -v "^\(/tmp\|/dev\|/proc\)" ) 2>/dev/null|cut -f1 -d":"| sort | uniq`; do echo -n "$x (>=" `dpkg -s $x|grep ^Version|cut -f2 -d":"` "), "; done
This is obviously an ugly solution - it seems to give the versions of whatever you have installed. How should build depends be handled properly? It seems to me that doing this completely manually would require knowledge of the changes between every version of each depend. Is it just a case of editing the results of the above script and then testing the packages to make sure it works. Is it then the case that developers usually have fresh woody installs for each package, or at least a woody install for packaging (I am currently running sid). > Speaking of build dependencies: There is no libgtkhtml2-dev, This seems to be available in sid only. -- +----------------------------------------------+ | Mark Howard cam.ac.uk mh344@ | | http://www.tildemh.com tildemh.com mh@ | +----------------------------------------------+
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