
With madness in the eyes and fury in the fingers after many hours
of extreme effort, with some help from doogie at #d-d and developers
of the software being packaged I finally created

The packages of ArgoUML! The best free UML modelling tool.

They're at: http://debian.sente.pl/debian/
Sources line: deb http://debian.sente.pl ./
Install by: apt-get install argouml

So... why am I writing about it to the world you ask? ;-)

These are my first Java packages so I'd like to kindly ask you to
review them. They're lintian-clean, I was also looking at proposed
java policy during the creation time.

ArgoUML depends on some libs also, so the list of my packages is this:

dresden-ocl -> libocl-argo-java (one resulting bin, but could be more
  if someone needed some of the other resulting jars)

I'd be thankful for pointing out any mistakes I made.

Thanks in advance

                                        Grzegorz Prokopski

PS: There are still some small legal issues that hold the inclusion into
the archive, but I hope to have them resolved soon. One of them is that
in dresden-ocl in src/tudresden/ocl/images there are non-free images.

They're small and should be relatively easy to recreate from scratch.
If you were interested in help with freeing dresden-ocl (which is LGPL
otherwise) - please contact me. 

PSS: So that you could see what ArgoUML can do - I also put example
model at: http://debian.sente.pl/debian/testmodel.zargo.
Actually it is the model I created for my master's degree work ;-)
However it is model of non-software system, so don't generate Java, C++
or even PHP code with it ;-)

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