> could keep on top of these. I have tried to get the ball rolling by > answering a couple of sponsorship requests today, but there are several > others with subjects containing "sponsor", "RFS", or in one case "spronsor".
Sure, take your time :) I already had some _very_ good comments and suggestions on my package in private e-mails and in the ML, so no complaints here. Part of the comments got me more involved in upstream (which is not that trivial) and we're clearing up the code (actually uptream is doing the bulk of the work, I'm just glad to be able to touch a couple of things here and there as I go along in the code). I think the code has come along quite nicely over the last month. One thing I would like to have comments on though is the possible section of my package nvrec, which is dependent on liblame and the question if can be put into debian in the first place. It would be a pitty if not, because I really found something I like tinkering with :) and it would be nice to combine two hobbies as it were. btw, I assume a 'spronsor' is an agitated sponser, at least that's what the extra 'r' for me. It could also be my overactive imagination, I've been accused for this before >:) -- greetz, marc BOFH excuse #43: boss forgot system password pgp Key ID: 0xD3562DE1 Key fingerprint = 890C E47F 1589 F240 9CC8 C60C 510A 63D3 D356 2DE1 Linux mykene 2.4.19-pre4 #1 Tue Apr 2 22:47:06 CEST 2002 i686 unknown
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