> I waited 6 weeks before AM assigned.  (I had advocate when applied.)
> My AM does not yet contact me few days while I see his posting on ML.
> But right after I moved to cue with AM, many people got AM.  Somewhat
> random.
> You can see this nm.debin.org/nmlist.php.
> People are busy now due to maybe woody release, maybe World Cup, maybe
> vacation , ... 

bof, I am still no the No Advocate list :) and my package is still in

I mainly want to package the sofware because
1. I am interested in the package
2. I am interested in debian, the scripts and the QA rules
3. It's fun to contact upstream, pointing out a bug, hunting the sources
   for bugs, ...
4. Being appreciated for the job done
5. I am applying deb devel to meet new ppl, and get their expert advice 
   on a number of things AND because I think that the software I am packaging
   is so good that other ppl may want to use it without bothering to package
   or destroying their software db.  

I think 5 is nice, but the ultimate reasons should be 1-3. I haven't
read "For the fun of it" yet, but I certainly understand the title.

       greetz, marc
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