Hi all, I have a package which installs a programme in /usr/sbin but lintian gives the following warning on the package: W: libpam-mount: file-in-unusual-dir usr/sbin
There are plenty of other Debian packages which put a file in /usr/sbin and lintian doesn't complain about them; why does it do this for my package? -- Martin Orr "The greatest crime is to do nothing Linux Administrator, because we fear we can only do a little." Methodist College Belfast GPG key: pub 1024D/ADBEA973 2002-04-24 Martin Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Key fingerprint = 4258 D0F7 6D26 59F2 79AE 2B9A 337D 4424 ADBE A973 sub 1024g/BE11C1D0 2002-04-24 [expires: 2005-05-07]
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