On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 12:22:42AM +0500, Victor Porton wrote:
> Well, what about these native packages?

They only differ in the form of the source package, not the mechanism by
which they are built.

> Do, I understand correctly that for native packages the installation 
> directories are 'fictive' (to a tmp dir) and so native Debian package cannot 
> be at the same time a normal Unix package (installable by "make all && make 
> install") without patching (patching which would port *from* Debian *to* 
> "normal Unix")?

That would be a difference in mechanism.  It's not like that.  All Debian source
packages, native or non-native install into a temporary directory before the
binary package is built in one or more .deb files.  But this is best achieved by
parameters passed to make, rather than modifications to the Makefiles themselves.
Debian source package trees (again, either native or non-native) can build &
install by "make all && make install" provided the Debian maintainer has not
"tainted" the Makefiles with code that will only give sensible results when
called from debian/rules.  My goal whenever I package something is to make as
few changes as possible to the upstream source tree, aiming to make all the
changes, if possible, to the debian/ directory.  I find this is often achievable.

I'm sorry now I mentioned native packages.  You need not concern yourself with
them unless you are writing software specific to Debian (e.g. dpkg, apt, and
related packages).

> In my understanding, creating a package, even if it's main using is under 
> Debian, I should first create a "normal Unix" package and only then port it to 
> Debian, shouldn't I?

Yes.  Keep your upstream source separate from your Debian packaging.

> But what about any clues about creating native Debian packages?

Don't.  It's probably not what you want.

> P.S. How much messages per day send debian-devel list? My mail system isn't 
> yet well configured to handle many, as I installed Debian at home only about 
> two weeks ago.

Quite a lot.  See http://lists.debian.org for the archives of the list.  Note
that each archived month for the list goes on for a few pages, with navigation
buttons at bottom.

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