Below is a list of 422 Genealogy Databases with over 1.5 billion names. I am offering to search these databases for only $1(US) per search.
Just send a minimum of $10(US) to: Angie Giles P.O.Box 873 Rowlett, TX, USA 75030-0873 Because of technical reasons beyond my control, I might not be able to receive emails that you send by replying to this email. Please send comments, suggestions and questions to the PO Box above. Include the DBNO(Database Number) listed beside each database and the names your searching for and your email address. If there is more than 1 of the same name in a database, It will be $1 (US) per instance. I will email you the information that is listed for each instance of the name searched. Notice: I cannot guarantee that the person you are looking for is in the database. You are paying for my time in looking up your names. I charge a minimum of $1(US) per database, even if there is no instances of the name your are looking for. Thank You Angie DBNO-DB NAME Birth Databases: 0010-Southern PA, 1680-1800 0015-US and Europe 900-1880 0020-British Isles, A-C #2 0025-British Isles, D-I #3 0030-British Isles, J-Q #4 0035-British Isles, R-Z #5 0040-North America, A-C #1 Cemetery Databases: 0100-Salt Lake City, 1848-1992 Census Databases: 0200-1850 Census Schedules 0205-1881 British Census, East Anglia Region #1 0210-1881 British Census, Greater London Region, London, Middlesex, A- L #1 0215-1881 British Census, Greater London Region, London, Middlesex, M-Z CD 2 0220-1881 British Census, Midlands Region, West Counties A-Z 0225-1881 British Census, North Central Region York A-L # 3 0230-1881 British Census, North Central Region York M-Z 0235-1881 British Census, Northern Borders & Miscellary Region #1 0240-1881 British Census, Scotland Region, Highland Counties #1 0245-1881 British Census, Scotland Region, Lowland County #2 0250-1881 British Census, Southwestern Region, #1 0255-African Americans in the 1870 Census 0260-IA 1860 0265-UK 1851 Census Index Databases: 0300-1840 US Census Index: Mid-Atlantic 0305-1881 British Census, Index A-B #1 0310-1881 British Census, Index C-Em #2 0315-1881 British Census, Index En-Hn #3 0320-1881 British Census, Index Hi-L #4 0325-1881 British Census, Index M-O #5 0330-1881 British Census, Index P-R #6 0335-1881 British Census, Index S-T #7 0340-1881 British Census, Index U-Z #8 0345-Baltimore, Chicago & St.Louis, 1870 0350-Colonial 1607-1789 0355-CT,MA,ME,NH,RI & VT 1900 0360-DE,DC,MD,PA,OH,VA & WV 1900 0365-GA 1870 0370-ID 1910 0375-MA 1870 0380-NC,SC 1870 0385-NY City 1870 0390-OH 1880 0395-Ontario, CN 1871 0400-PA,DE,NJ 1850 0405-US Selected Counties 1790 0410-US Selected Counties 1800 0415-US Selected Counties 1810 0420-US Selected Counties 1820 0425-US Selected Counties 1830 0430-US Selected Counties 1840 0435-US Selected Counties 1850 0440-US Selected Counties 1860 0445-US Selected Counties 1870 0450-US Selected Counties 1880 0455-VA,WV 1870 0460-VA,WV,NC,KY 1870 0465-Western PA 1870 0470-Western PA 1870 Census Microfilm Databases: 0500-AL,AR,LA & MS 1850 #1 0505-AL,AR,LA & MS 1850 #2 0510-AL,AR,LA & MS 1850 #3 0515-AL,AR,LA & MS 1850 #4 0520-AL,AR,LA & MS 1850 #6 0525-CA,NM,OR,TX & UT 1850 #1 0530-CA,NM,OR,TX & UT 1850 #3 0535-CA,NM,OR,TX & UT 1850 #4 0540-CT & RI 1850 CD 1 0545-CT & RI 1850 CD 2 0550-CT & RI 1850 CD 3 0555-CT & RI 1850 CD 4 0560-IL 1850 #1 0565-IL 1850 #3 0570-IL 1850 #4 0575-IN 1850 #3 0580-IN 1850 #4 0585-IN 1850 #5 0590-MA 1850 #1 0595-MA 1850 #3 0600-MA 1850 #4 0605-MA 1850 #5 0610-MA 1850 #6 0615-ME,NH & VT 1850 #2 0620-ME,NH & VT 1850 #3 0625-ME,NH & VT 1850 #4 0630-ME,NH & VT 1850 #5 0635-NC 1850 #1 0640-NC 1850 #2 0645-NC 1850 #3 0650-NC 1850 #4 0655-PA 1850 #1 0660-PA 1850 #11 0665-PA 1850 #2 0670-PA 1850 #3 0675-PA 1850 #4 0680-PA 1850 #5 0685-PA 1850 #6 0690-PA 1850 #7 0695-PA 1850 #8 0700-TN 1850 #3 Church Databases: 0805-Adams, Berks & Lancaster Co., PA 1729-1881 0810-English Parish Records, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Derbyshire 0815-English Parish Records, Yorkshire, Ainsty & City of York 0820-English Parish Records, Yorkshire, East Riding 0825-English Parish Records, Yorkshire, North Riding, Durham 0830-English Parish Records, Yorkshire, West Riding, Nottinghamshire 0835-MD & DE, 1600s-1800s 0840-PA German 1729-1870 0845-PA,Adams Co.,1745-1825 #3 0850-PA,Berks Co., 1752-1825 #4 0855-PA,Lancaster Co., 1729-1825 #11 0860-Selected Areas of PA 1600s-1800s 0865-Tithe Applotment Books: 1823-1838 Deaths Databases: 0905-AL 1908-1959 0910-Directory of Deceased American Physicians 1804- 1929 0915-IA 1882-1920 0920-NY 1700s-1900s 0925-Social Security Death Index: A-L US 1937-1997 #1 0930-Social Security Death Index: M-Z US 1937-1997 #2 0935-US 1850-1880 Deeds Databases: 1000-Mayflower Vital Records: Deeds and Wills 1600-1900 Family Databases: 1055-217 Genealogy Books 1060-Ancestral File 1998 #1 1065-Ancestral File 1998 #2 1070-Ancestral File 1998 #3 1075-Ancestral File 1998 #4 1080-Ancestral File 1998 #5 1085-Ancestral File 1998 #6 1090-Ancestral File 1998 #7 1095-Ancestral File 1998 #8 1100-Ancestral File 1998 #9 1105-Colonial Families of Maryland 1600s-1900s 1110-Colonial Genealogies #1 1607-1920 1115-Connecticut #1 1120-CT 1600s-1800s #1 1125-CT 1600s-1800s #2 1130-Dutch in America 1800s 1135-Early AL,AR & MS Settlers 1700s-1800s 1140-Early GA Settlers 1700s-1800s 1145-Early KY Settlers 1700s-1800s 1150-Early LA Settlers 1600s-1800s 1155-Early NC Settlers 1700s-1900s 1160-Early NE Settlers 1600s-1800s 1165-Early SC Settlers 1600s-1800s 1170-Early Settlers of NY, 1760-1942 1175-Early TN Settlers 1700s-1900s 1180-Early TX Settlers 1700s-1800s 1185-Early WV Settlers 1600s-1900s 1190-English Origins of New England Families 1195-European Origins Vol.E1 1200-Family Pedigrees 1500-1990 1205-Family Pedigrees 1500-1990 1210-Family Queries 1640-1990 1215-Genealogical Research 1500-1989 1220-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.1 1225-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.13 1230-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.17 1235-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.18 1240-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.19 1245-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.2 1250-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.20 1255-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.21 1260-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.22 1265-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.23 1270-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.24 1275-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.25 1280-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.27 1285-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.28 1290-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.29 1295-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.3 1300-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.30 1305-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.31 1310-German & Swiss Settlers in America, 1700s-1800s 1315-German Genealogy Research Guide 1320-Histories & Genealogies of Southeast PA 1325-Huguenot Settlers in North America & Europe 1330-Immigrants to PA 1600s-1800s 1335-Immigrants to the New World 1600-1800 1340-Index to Upstate NY 1345-Ireland, 1831-1841 1350-Ireland: 1848-1864 1355-Irish Immigrants To North America, 1803-1871 1360-Irish to America 1846-1865 1365-Kentucky Genealogies #1 1370-L1 1375-Massachusetts & Maine Genealogies, 1650s-1930s 1380-Mayflower Families 1500-1800 1385-MD Settlers & Soldiers 1700s-1800s 1390-ME & NH Settlers 1600s-1900s 1395-Mid-Atlantic 1340-1940 1400-Midwest Pioneers 1600s-1800s 1405-Native American Collection 1410-NE 1600s-1900s 1415-New England 1600s-1800s #1 1420-New England 1600s-1800s #2 1425-New Netherland 1600s 1430-NY 1600s-1900s #1 1435-NY 1600s-1900s #2 1440-Ontario & Nova Scotia Settlers 1790-1860 1445-PA #1 1450-PA 1740-1900 Vol.1 1455-PA 1740-1900 Vol.2 1460-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.1 1465-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.10 1470-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.11 1475-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.12 1480-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.13 1485-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.14 1490-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.15 1495-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.16 1500-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.17 1505-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.18 1510-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.19 1515-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.2 1520-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.20 1525-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.21 1530-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.22 1535-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.23 1540-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.24 1545-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.25 1550-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.26 1555-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.27 1560-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.28 1565-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.29 1570-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.3 1575-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.30 1580-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.31 1585-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.32 1590-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.33 1595-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.34 1600-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.35 1605-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.36 1610-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.37 1615-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.38 1620-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.39 1625-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.4 1630-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.40 1635-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.41 1640-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.42 1645-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.43 1650-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.44 1655-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.45 1660-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.46 1665-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.47 1670-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.49 1675-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.5 1680-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.51 1685-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.52 1690-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.53 1695-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.54 1700-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.55 1705-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.56 1710-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.57 1715-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.58 1720-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.59 1725-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.6 1730-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.60 1735-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.62 1740-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.63 1745-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.66 1750-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.67 1755-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.68 1760-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.69 1765-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.7 1770-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.70 1775-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.8 1780-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.82 1785-Scotish - Irish Settlers in America 1500s-1800s 1790-Scottish Immigrants to North America, 1600s-1800s 1795-Southern Biographics & Genealogies 1500-1940 1800-Southern Genealogies #1 1600-1800 1805-Swift Family Ancestry-Vol.1 1810-The Complete Book of Immigrants 1607-1776 1815-The Complete Mayflower Decendants, #1 1820-The Complete Mayflower Decendants, #2 1825-The Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, 1740-1930 1830-VA Genealogies & Biographics 1500-1900 #1 1835-VA Genealogies & Biographics 1500-1900 #2 1840-VA Genealogies Vol.4, 1600s-1800s #1 1845-VA Genealogies Vol.4, 1600s-1800s #2 1850-Virginia #1 1855-Virginia 1600s-1800s Vol.1 1860-Vol 1-1400s-Present #1 1865-Vol 1-1400s-Present #2 1870-Vol 1-1400s-Present #3 1875-Vol 2,3-1400s-Present #1 1880-Vol 2,3-1400s-Present #2 1885-Vol 2,3-1400s-Present #3 1890-Vol 2,3-1400s-Present #4 1895-Vol 4-1400s-Present #2 Land Databases: 1905-Bucks & Lancaster Counties, PA 1682-1825 1910-KY 1774-1924 1915-Land & Tax Records: OH 1787-1840 1920-PA,Berks Co., 1682-1800 #6 1925-PA,Lancaster Co., 1729-1825 #10 Marriages Databases: 1950-AL 1800-1900 1955-AL,GA,SC 1641-1944 1960-AR 1779-1992 1965-AR 1850-1900 1970-AR,CA,IA,LA,MN,MO,OR,TX 1728-1850 1975-AR,MO,MS,TX 1766-1981 1980-AZ,CA,ID,NV, 1850-1951 1985-AZ,CO,NE,NM & WA 1727-1900s 1990-British Isles, A-Z #1 1995-CT 1635-1860 2000-DC,DE,MD & VA 1740-1900 2005-GA 1850-1951 2010-GA 1851-1900 2015-IA, 1851-1900 2020-IL,IN, 1790-1850 2025-IL,IN,KY,OH,TN 1720-1926 2030-IN 1851-1900 2035-KY 1851-1900 2040-KY,NC,TN,VA,WV, 1728-1850 2045-LA 1718-1925 2050-Maine 1743-1891 2055-Maryland 1655-1850 2060-MD Marriages, 1634-1820 2065-MD,NC,VA 1624-1915 2070-ME 1633-1850 2075-MI,WI, 1830-1900 2080-MO 1851-1900 2085-MS,FL 2090-NC 1850-1900 2095-NJ 1680-1900 2100-North America, A-C #2 2105-North America, Co-G #3 2110-North America, L-O #5 2115-North America, P-Ss #6 2120-NY 1639-1916 2125-NY 1640-1880 2130-NY 1675-1920 2135-NY City 1600s-1800s 2140-OH 1789-1850 2145-OH 1851-1900 2150-TN 1851-1900 2155-TX 1850-1900 2160-US/INTL 1340-1980 2165-WV 1863-1900 Military Databases: 2205-Civil War Union Soldiers 2210-Confederate Pension Applications Index 2215-Confederate Soldiers 1861-1865 2220-Connecticut Officers & Soldiers 1700s-1800s 2225-Loyalists in the American Revolution 2230-NY Revolution and the War of 1812 2235-NY Revolutionary War 1775-1840 2240-Revolutionary War Graves Register 2000 Edition 2245-Revolutionary War Patriot Index 2250-Revolutionary War Pension Lists 2255-Revolutionary War Soldiers & Sailors #1 2260-Revolutionary War Soldiers & Sailors #2 2265-US Selected States 1890 2270-VA in the Revolutionary & War of 1812 Other Databases: 2305-15th Edition 2310-1910 Miracode Index: PA, Central Region 2315-1910 Miracode Index: PA, Philadelphia County 2320-1910 Miracode Index: PA, Western Region 2325-American Source Records in England 1600s-1800s 2330-Ancestry Magazine: 1994-1999 2335-Australian Vital Records Index: 1788-1905 #1 2340-Australian Vital Records Index: 1788-1905 #2 2345-Australian Vital Records Index: 1788-1905 #3 2350-Australian Vital Records Index: 1788-1905 #4 2355-British & American Coats of Arms 2360-City Directories: Northern Midwest 1884-1898 2365-Colonial VA Source Records 1600s-1700s 2370-Genealogical Dictionary of New England 1600s- 1700s 2375-GIS,Electronic Messages Vol.1 2380-International Genealogical Index: 1997 Addendum # 10 2385-International Genealogical Index: 1997 Addendum #7 2390-International Genealogical Index: 1997 Addendum #8 2395-International Genealogical Index: 1997 Addendum #9 2400-Irish Flax Growers List, 1796 2405-Irish Source Records: 1500s-1800s 2410-Lewis's Gazetteers of England, Ireland & Scotland 2415-Lineages of Hereditary Society Members 1600s- 1900s 2420-MA 1600s-1800s 2425-MA Vital, Probate & Town Records 1600s-1900s 2430-Mormon Immigration, Passenger Lists & Personal Accounts 2435-National Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol.1-85 1600-1900 #1 2440-National Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol.1-85 1600-1900 #2 2445-Naturalization Records: PA 1789-1880 2450-NJ Source Records 1600s-1800s 2455-PA Colonial Records 1600s-1800s 2460-PA Genealogical Magazine #1 2465-PA Genealogical Magazine #2 2470-The Compendium of American Genealogy #1 2475-The Compendium of American Genealogy #2 2480-The NJ Biographical Index 1800s 2485-The Ontario Register, 1780-1870 2490-US/Canada Surname folder Index 2495-VA Historical Index 2500-VA Land,Marriage & Probate Records 1639-1850 2505-Vital Records: RI 1500s-1900s Passenger Databases: 2550-1500s-1900s 2555-1538-1940 2560-Atlantic, Great Lake & Gulf Ports #1 2565-Atlantic, Great Lake & Gulf Ports #2 2570-Atlantic, Great Lake & Gulf Ports #3 2575-Atlantic, Great Lake & Gulf Ports #7B 2580-Atlantic, Great Lake & Gulf Ports #9 2585-Baltimore 1820-1850 Vol.1 2590-Baltimore 1851-1872 Vol.2 2595-Baltimore City, 1833-1866 #1 2600-Baltimore City, 1833-1866 #3 2605-Baltimore City, 1833-1866 #4 2610-Baltimore City, 1833-1866 #5 2615-Baltimore City, 1833-1866 #6 2620-Germans to America 1850-1874 2625-Germans to America 1875-1888 2630-Irish to America, Vol.2 1846-1886 2635-Italians to America 2640-New Orleans, LA 1820-1850 2645-Passenger & Immigration to North America 1820- 1850 Queries Databases: 2650-Notes & Queries of PA. 1700s-1800s Wills Databases: 2675-NC 1665-1900 2680-PA 1682-1834 2685-PA,Berks Co., 1752-1825 #5 2690-PA,Cumberland Co., 1750-1825 #8 2695-PA,Lancaster Co., 1729-1825 #9 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". 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