On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 10:35:37PM -0800, Yves Arrouye wrote:
> > > Incidentally, why is the source package called 'gphoto2'?  I see that
> > > there is still a 'gphoto' package in Debian; is that not superseded by
> > > gphoto 2.0?  Are there reasons that someone would need both gphoto and
> > > gphoto2 installed on their system, or why some people need one and
> > > others need the other?
> > 
> > No gphoto and gphoto2 are really different and both should be available.
> > gphoto is a all-in-one package to provide gui access to a digital
> > camera.
> > gphoto2 is a library which is used by frontend (gui). A command-line
> > frontend is included in the package but others are available.
> Then why not libgphoto2? Or something making it more obvious it's a lib?s
> YA

Is it not a upstream choice ?

But this package include a command-line frontend.
Perhaps I should split it in three package (instead of 2) :

gphoto2        : command-line front-end
libgphoto2     : libraries
libgphoto2-dev : to build others front-ends.

And perhaps a doc package but it would be really small.


Christophe Barbé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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