David Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> E: gcvs: interpreter-not-absolute ./usr/share/gcvs/ChangeRoot.tcl
> #!CVSGUI1.0
> W: gcvs: script-not-executable ./usr/share/gcvs/ChangeRoot.tcl
> W: gcvs: unusual-interpreter ./usr/share/gcvs/ChangeRoot.tcl #!CVSGUI1.0
>   Actually I get that error for every file in share/gcvs/*.tcl (18
>   files). It is all true, but I don't see why it's an error in this
>   case. The scripts are used as macro extensions to the gui and are
>   not runnable from the command line so the "script-not-executable"
>   warning doesn't matter.

True. lintian should probably not insist on execute permissons of
things that look like scripts if they are outside a .../bin directory.

And if a script is not executable, the hash-bang line is of no
consequence, and should therefore not be checked for errors.

>   But that's what this package uses to check if the script is the
>   correct type.

It could be argued that selection of a magic that starts with "#!" is
not the best choice. But it's not an error either.

> All that being the case, how do I get lintian to shut up?

Since I think lintian is generally wrong on this (not just
misdiagnosing your special case), the best way is to report a bug on
lintian -- preferrably with a patch.

In the mean time, you can use overrides. See section 2.4 of the
Lintian User's Manual.



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