#include <hallo.h>
Hereward Cooper wrote on Thu Oct 04, 2001 um 04:23:47PM:
> > I don't think I understand you. How/why would you want to change the
> > *upstream* name. It should be enough to change the name used by
> > Debian.
> Sorry didn't word it too great as i was in a rush.
> What i just basically mean is, how do you change a package name under
> debian from the orginal/default?
What is your problem?
- For the source name, you better keep the upstream choise, so call
your SOURCE package (i.e. the source directory for the first dh_make
run) <upstream name inlowercase>-<upstream version>.
- Then you run dh_make and create template building directory. But
beware, you probably don't wish to build a shared library (since the
plugins are not valid shared libraries), better start as "single
binary" with dh_make.
- When done, edit the control file, and change the _binary package_
name from the one dh_make guessed to one similar to other plugin
packages, like xmms-jess.
- Then edit the rules file (and other files in debian/) where dh_make
used it's guessed (binary!) package name and substite (or rename the
files) with xmms-jess.
- When you package plugins, there may be other difficulties: lintian
thinks the .so file is a usuall shared lib and complains about that
(shlibs error, missing soname, bla,bla). You can ignore this warnings
or hide them with lintian overrides (see other packages).
- Remember that dpkg-shlibdeps won't detect dependency on xmms
(plugin), you have to specify a dependency manually. Better
investigate whether the package is useable with the Potato/Woody
version of xmms and set the dependency to the most ancient version of
www42:~ # mv /mnt/c/windows/win.com /dev/null
mv: /dev/null: data refused
PGP signature