On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 09:11:01PM -0700, Blars Blarson wrote:
> I find the pseudo-image-kit-2.0 process overly complicated and
> difficult to use, even for an experienced unix administrator.

That's very true.

> If I were to write a better drop-in replacement, would it be
> considered for replacment of the current version?

Don't do it - I've been working on a full replacement for almost a

It is called jigdo (short for Jigsaw Download), and has the following
advantages over the PIK:

- doesn't need rsync, is entirely HTTP/FTP-based
- no need to store complete CD images on the server - they are
  generated by downloading the individual .debs and assembling them to
  an image according to information in a so-called template file
- the template file is relatively small, so many alternative CDs can
  be distributed without space problems
- no need for dedicated CD image servers - all Debian FTP mirrors can
  automatically be used for downloading CD images
- it is easy to produce alternative versions of CD images, e.g. J. 
  Random Hacker could add his own packages to an official Debian CD
  and distribute that. He'll *only* need to upload his packages and
  the changed template file to his own webspace, *not* the complete CD
- user-friendly download with a GUI application, on Windows and
  Linux!!! (possibly also MacOS later on)

The system already works, although I haven't yet set up a beta site
for Debian CD images. The GUI application is not existent yet
(currently working on it), but I've written a shell script which is
roughly equivalent.

The source tarball can be downloaded from
<http://atterer.net/debian/>, prerelease i386 packages are available
deb http://home.in.tum.de/atterer/debian unstable jigdo



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  CS student at the Technische  |  GnuPG key:
  | \/¯|  http://atterer.net  |  Universität München, Germany  |  0x888354F7
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