also sprach Colin Watson (on Wed, 05 Sep 2001 06:55:36PM +0100):
> Ah, and if you can ask for no bandwidth restrictions then you can do
> easy port forwarding without ssh too. Cool ... I'll sponsor you if you
> like. Send me the URL to your Debianized source package.

awesome! i attached it because my debian server is currently
inconsistent as it's being rsync'd through 64kbit/s isdn, which si
*darn* slow. hope this is fine...

i am experiencing a small problem because lintian reports

  W: iprelay: perl-script-needs-dependency
  ./usr/bin/iprelay use POSIX
  W: iprelay: perl-script-needs-dependency
  ./usr/bin/iprelay use Getopt::Std

but i do have

  Depends: perl5 | perl5-thread | perl-5.004 | perl-5.005 |

in the debian/control file. oh well.

also, do you know why this package doesn't have a diff? i am assuming
it's because i renamed the original from ip_relay to iprelay for
Debian policy.

so i got the original ip_relay-0.71.tar.gz file, extracted it, deleted
it, renamed the directory iprelay-0.71, made a new tar.gz file
iprelay-0.71.tar.gz, and then built the package...

> Are you planning to enter the new maintainer process
> ( You should really do that if you want to
> maintain a package in Debian.

i am. that's why i am looking for a sponsor and advocate. want to be
both, Colin?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
because light travels faster than sound,
some people appear to be intelligent,
until you hear them speak.

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