Y el lunes 9 de abril, James LewisMoss escribió:
> Eric> GNOME Packages not up to 1.4 in unstable
> Eric> * glade* gnome-guile* gnome-pim gnome-print gnome-python* gtop
> Eric> imlib scrollkeeper
> No help needed for gnome-guile. It'll be uploaded in a short bit just
> waiting on an answer from upstream about something.
Nor for glade. However I will appreciate any comment, bug or advise in
order to keep it Ok.
O / >O >O >O >O O / O / O / O / >O Luis Arocha, "Data"
\__|/____|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/____|/ larocha at wanadoo.es
\ \ \ \ \ Islas Canarias
\ \ \ \ \ Spain
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