Stefano Zacchiroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't understand what the .rej files really are.
> It seems to me that the corrisponding file (without .rej extensione) is
> not the origianl upstream version of the file nor the previous version
> one.
The .rej file is the part of the patch file that didn't apply cleanly. The
rest of the patch file will have been applied, so the corresponding files
are partially patched, meaning part-way between original upstream and where
you want them.
> And also, more important, what I have to do with a .rej file ?
> I guess that I have to integrate this file with the corrisponding file
> but I can't understand exactly what I have to look for ...
It's just a patch file fragment. Look at it, try to determine why it failed
(maybe that patch is already applied or the code has moved around), work out
if you still need to apply it, and if so, how.
> Moreover, the package seems to work correctly even if I ignore the
> existence of .rej file, is it possible ?
Yes, if that patch is already applied upstream, or if the partially patched
files just happen to be in a state where they work.
Don't rely on it working though, you really need to check why the patches
didn't apply, and make sure things are still right.
Sam Couter | Internet Engineer |
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | tSA Consulting |
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