> "Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> =20
> > a "pure debian" package as you put it should really only be for items=
> written
> > for debian by debian devels. Anything else can be treated as a stand=
> ard
> > package.
> I would add that only pure Debian packages should include the 'debian'
> directory. I've seen some tarballs including a debian directory left
> unmaintained after a first attempt to package the application.
Your words are not clear to me.
All pure Debian packages must included a debian directory. Non-native
packages may or may not include a debian directory in the upstream
source file. (Upstream source is upstream source. If the upstream
author provides an old/obsolete debian directory in the upstream tarball,
you should not remove it.) Non-native packages must contain a debian
directory after the Debian diff has been applied to the upstream source
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