I'm a fairly new maintainer, and I have a few questions about packaging

I'm trying to package NJAMD. It's a malloc debugging library, similar in
some ways to ElectricFence or dmalloc.

NJAMD works by being loaded with LD_PRELOAD. The normal package contains a
shared object (libnjamd.so.0.0.8) and two symlinks to it (libnjamd.so.0 and
libnjamd.so), just like most shared objects.

The packaging manual says that the libnjamd.so symlink should go in the -dev
package, with the headers and such.
There aren't any headers.

I've just had the package rejected by the ftpmasters because it has the
symlink in the njamd package, and there is no -dev package.

Am I really expected to create a -dev package with just one symlink in it?

I tried to use the electric-fence and dmalloc packages as examples to
follow. Neither are named libwhatever, both contain shared objects. dmalloc
has no .so symlink, just libdmalloc.so.4.2 or something. electric-fence does
have a .so symlink, but it's also only an old policy version.

Can someone with more experience, or better understanding of the packaging
manual and policy, please help me out here?

Sam Couter          |   Internet Engineer   |   http://www.topic.com.au/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    |   tSA Consulting      |
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