Junichi Uekawa wrote:

> In Tue, 27 Feb 2001 16:32:38 -0500 Adam cum veritate scripsit :
> > The problem is that it's setting MPI_LIBS to -L{MPI_HOME}/build/...
> As far as I know, mpich used to install itself to $MPI_HOME/build in
> versions up to 1.1.2 (the version found in potato), which has changed
> in version 1.2.0 and later versions. It is now found under $MPI_HOME
> which in the case of  Debian "/usr/lib/mpich"

In my second post you'll notice:

Adam C Powell IV wrote:

> # For mpich: (woody mpich uses /usr/lib/mpich/lib, potato the longer dir)
> ifeq ($(PETSC_MPI),mpich)
>   MPI_HOME       = /usr/lib/mpich
>   MPI_LIB        = -L${MPI_HOME}/lib -L${MPI_HOME}/build/LINUX/ch_p4/lib -lmpich

which should take care of this problem.  Indeed, it still builds on potato with
1.1.2, and built on woody/sid with 1.2.0+ until a couple of weeks ago, as described.

-Adam P.

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