On Sat, Jan 13, 2001 at 02:53:05PM -0500, Eric Dorland wrote:
> I've actually just taken a look at the applicants list
> <http://nm.debian.org/nmlist.php> and it appears that today the DAM has
> apprently started creating accounts again today. Unfortunately, the six
> lucky people have apparently jumped the queue, and been rushed through
> the process, since they were all approved by their AMs in the last two
> weeks (most in the last two days!). I'm not sure why these six have been
> so fortunate and this hardly seems fair to a lot of people who have been
> waiting months for approval. I don't want this to degenerate into a
> deluge of flames, I'm honestly just curious and I don'ty think anyone
> likes it when someone cuts in line ahead of them.
I'm one of the lucky ones, so I'm really happy, but I must agree with you
that it seems pretty unfair to the guys approved by their AMs months
ago. Maybe their AMs didn't do good reports of them? I don't know, but the
fact remains that the 6 of us all had Martin Michlmay (tbm) as AM.
Karl Söderström
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