On Sat, Nov 18, 2000 at 12:27:57PM -0600, Clay Crouch wrote:
> I was the one who warned Roberto about dinstall doing a lintian
> check of uploaded packages prior to installing. These were my
> exact words:
> =====> BEGIN INCLUDED TEXT <=====
> Your package hass to be able to pass a check with lintian before
> it will be installed in the archive. The scripts that do the actual
> installation of a package into Debian do a lintain check, and if the
> package fails, it is rejected.
> =====> END INCLUDED TEXT <=====
> I failed to make the distinction between lintian warnings and errors,
> WRT how dinstall deals with them....
> > Well, there's dirty and there's dirty. :)
> Warnings are "dirty". Errors are "Dirty". :^)
Actually, the messages about 'config' and 'templates' are errors, not warnings:
E: apt-listchanges: unknown-control-file config
E: apt-listchanges: unknown-control-file templates
- mdz
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