On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 08:22:17AM -0700, tony mancill wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> > On 20000915T060004-0700, Rick Younie wrote:
> > > Sponsee? Tony made that one up didn't he? I can see the
> > > confusion in a couple years when the number of Debian maintainers
> > > hits a few million. "What's that language you're speaking?
> > > Debian you say?" :-)
item: What's that language? Debian?
> > Tony who?
> >
> > You ever heard of deriving words? The thing that allows you to make
> > up a word using established derivation mechanisms when no existing word
> > is suitable?
item: derivation mechanism
> I appear to be the Tony in question. I'm very likely also responsible for
> coining the word "sponsee" (although I can't really take credit - my
> company uses "mentee" as the counterpart to "mentor" - since no one seems
> to be able to spell "protege" correctly on a consistent basis.)
item: mentee and sponsee (below)
> I have to confess that I need to go back and try to follow this thread
> from the start (/me runs off to find a threaded mail reader), but if the
> issue is the use of Debianspeak, then what do folks think of the word
> protege?
[snipped protege def'n]
> I guess that we're talking about a career in Debian, although I'm not sure
> how much "support and protection" I provide to my
> victims^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hsponsees. (On the other hand, maybe we really *need*
> a new word for "the person whom a sponsor sponsors" since I'm not sure
item: need a new word
Taking these items together, how about making up a really ew word that is
really Debianspeak? You could have debee and deber :-) OTOH, the best
_word_ I've seen so far (that is, one that can be found in an (English)
dictionary) is protege. Sponsee isn't bad. Or you could have mentor
and mented :) (say it a few times, mented, mented, mented, demented).
Any foreign words (to us English speakers) that capture this concept?
> that such a relationship existed up until now.)
> Cheers,
> tony
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Time after time we lose sight of the way.
> http://www.debian.org | Our causes can't see their effects.
> | (Neil Peart)
(Also a Rush fan. Hi Tony! Are you still in the area?)
Steve Bowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (preferred)
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