>>"goswin" == goswin brederlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 goswin> Yes, pretty strong words. Hope they wake up some people.

        I suggest you give it a little more thought, and a little more
 analysis, if you seriously want to do this.

 goswin> It was a lot of work to get to debconf (also not quite the best
 goswin> solution in my eyes as a perl hater)

        A perl hater? 

 goswin> and that work was mainly encouraged to save people from
 goswin> useless answeres and enable non-interactive installation
 goswin> (paired with the need for nicer configs).

        Debconf is nice, but I do not think it is meant to fit all
 cases. Yes, it does take care of the need for interaction of a number
 of trivial cases, but policy has to also look at the non-trivial
 (and, IMHO, real) needs for interaction. 

        I have answered in more detail on -policy.

        I think this topic really belongs on -devel.

 goswin> I also know that policy says otherwise (as quoted in another mail),
 goswin> but I think it is time to change that for woody. User interaction
 goswin> should be discouraged by policy, esspecially for such stupid reasons
 goswin> as bad code.

        Please substantiatre this statement. Or are you just
 considering the  sawfish fiasco here?

 goswin> Configuration using debconf should of cause be strongly
 goswin> encouraged and important messages should be saved in a logfile and
 goswin> displayed at the end all together instead inbetween unimportant
 goswin> output.

        Are you considering minimal downtime for critical daemon packages?

 goswin> At the moment the interaction seems needed, but it should go
 goswin> in the future.

        This is a nice, fluffy statement, and seems tob e mostly
 opinion. Have you looked at installation interaction in more than a
 handful of packages? 

 BLISS is ignorance.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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