On Thu, Aug 10, 2000 at 12:25:52PM +0200, Ola Lundqvist wrote:
> Hi
> I probably have a trivial question but this really annoys me!
> When I run lintian on the program I'm packaging (webmin,
> see http://www.webmin.com/webmin) I got the following errors.
> I find it very strange because there is a such dependencies line in the
> control file.
> --- snip from control---
> Package: webmin
> Architecture: all
> Depends: perl5|perl5-thread|perl-5.004|perl-5.005|perl-5.005-thread
> Suggests: libnet-ssleay-perl
> Description: Web based administration interface.
> A web-based administration interface for Unix systems...
> --- end snip----
---- snipped lintain output ----
Change that to
Depends: ${perl:Depends}
and run dh_perl in your rules file
This should fix it
Frank aka Myth (irc)
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