On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 01:49:44PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> Dennis Schoen wrote:
> > So there is the problem when i try running dpkg-reconfigure
> > everything will work until the postinst is executed and the init
> > script will be called with the "start" parameter. It will fail to
> > run, when the sever was already running. The changes made in the
> > reconfigure will no be applied.
> >
> > Has anyone experienced this problem or is there a simple solution i
> > just miss.
> Since policy does not currently specify what return code an init script
> should return if "start" is run and the daemon is already running, a simple
> fix would be to detect the daemon is running, and just exit with a warning.
Yes but that way, the changes made in the reconfigure will not take
effect until i do an restart of the daemon by hand. Thats ugly.
| Dennis Schoen | "Contrary to popular belief,
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | UNIX is a user-friendly Operating
| http://www.gt.owl.de/~dschoen/ | System. It's just choosy about
| +49-5207-923701 | who its friends are."
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