Hi Andreas,

Andreas Tille, on 2025-01-14:
> Am Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 08:47:14PM +0100 schrieb Étienne Mollier:
> > Assuming you're short on cycles for uploads right now, I can
> > also finalize sift once blimps is in the archive and will try to
> > do that tomorrow, if not earlier.
> I'd prefer to work on general Debian tasks for the moment but can step
> in for Debian Med issues if urgent.  Since sift is not really urgent but
> nice to have since its our last package where Vcs fields do not point to
> Salsa its perfectly fine if it happens in the next couple of days.

I very much understand.  I uploaded sift earlier this evening.
I believe all release critical issues regarding sift or the
blimps ecosystem are resolved for the moment.  There is still a
bit of room for improvement, but it being non-free creates a lot
of friction.

> Thanks a lot for doing many of the tasks I did before

You are welcome, many people intervened in the team packages via
various means and would deserve thanks as well, be it bug
reports, patch proposals, hints, etc.  I tried to keep doing the
bits I'm comfortable with, like squashing bugs, or keeping small
packages up to date (I feel that my handling larger or complex
packages may have taken hit though, hopefully it is momentary).

Anyway, have a good evening,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emoll...@debian.org>
 : :' :  pgp: 8f91 b227 c7d6 f2b1 948c  8236 793c f67e 8f0d 11da
 `. `'   sent from /dev/pts/1, please excuse my verbosity
   `-    on air: Peter Gabriel - Digging in the Dirt

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